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Styled Photoshoot: Bloom Where You're Planted

In March 2023 I had the opportunity to work on a body positivity project with several local photographers and models. I want to shout out our amazing sponsors who provided flowers (Fifty Seven Bloom Co, HEB), snacks (Aggieland Boards), and jewelry (Steel Wool). Also, a big thank you to Francesca Photography for organizing! Francesca’s idea for this project came after seeing similar photos from other creatives, but these seemed to only feature “perfect” bodies. This photoshoot was done with the spirit of rejecting intense airbrushing and photoshop, and showcasing the beautiful variety of bodies that we see around us. To remind women they are as lovely and varied as flowers, and to encourage us all to bloom in the skin we've been planted in.

After introductions, all the models lined up and the photographers passed out flowers so each model’s bouquet was unique. Then we randomly allocated models to photographers and split up all over the Schobb Nature Preserve! We rotated and continued moving around the park until every model had worked with every photographer.

This was a challenging photoshoot for me, as most of my initial ideas were not possible due to the bouquets being completely different from what I had imagined. I typically do a great deal of preparation beforehand and have a “shot list” with me at any photoshoot I do. So I basically had to throw that away and create in the moment! The light was also changing throughout the day which added another element to keep track of.

Meeting and collaborating with everyone was such a fun experience! I love showcasing the beauty of real bodies and putting that art out into the world as a reminder to us all that supermodels are not the beauty standard. You are beautiful just the way you are, keep blossoming!





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